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New Zealand moved to Covid - 19 Pandemic Alert Level 4 on 26 March 2020. In line with Government advice, we will not be seeing routine follow-up or screening patients until the Alert Level has reduced. However, we will be providing all scanning services, Breast Surgeons and Breast Radiologist services to all acute and urgent patients over this time.


We will continue to offer services for our acute pathway patients.

Acute Pathway patients include patients referred by a GP or Specialist with breast cancer; or suspected breast cancer; or who present with one or more of the following acute symptoms:

  • Breast lump that has been present for greater than 3weeks; and/or
  • Bloody nipple discharge: and/or
  • One-sided breast pain that has been present for greater than 3 weeks.

If you have any of the above symptoms during this time, please contact your GP or Specialist for a referral.

If you were scheduled to come back between 27 March to 30 April 2020 for a follow up, following recent findings on screening imaging please contact our booking team on 0800 497 297.

If you had an appointment booked with us for routine screening, you should have received a call to reschedule this appointment for a new time after the Alert Level reduces. We are also keeping a record of patient’s due for a recall over this time and will contact them when we can resume normal routine bookings. 


We hope that you are keeping safe and well over this difficult time. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.

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